
Bike Austin: Working for Cyclists Every Day

As our city continues to swell with people and the vehicles that come along with them, bikes and cyclists risk becoming silenced. This is why our bike advocacy group, Bike Austin, is now more than ever, critical to mobility in Austin.

About Bike Austin's cyclist advocacy work

Bike Austin is the voice of the cyclist. They are who provide us with safe trails, lanes, and paths. They make sure laws account for the safe coexistence of cars and bikes. They work for multi mode transportation that achieves mobile equality: letting people on bikes get to their jobs, schools, or daily destinations safely. That's why all of us should be members of Bike Austin. We owe that to the organization and to the cycling community. Join now.

Bike Austin envisions Central Texas as a place where everyone recognizes and embraces the benefits of cycling, whether they ride or not, and where cycling is a common aspect of daily life for everyone. Central Texas has a comprehensive bicycle network enabling people in the region to comfortably, safely and efficiently use a bike for transportation and recreation. Bicycling supports the community as a whole by: increasing roadway capacity and user mobility; strengthening the economy and household affordability; improving the environment; and promoting an active, healthy lifestyle.

The Mission

Bike Austin improves quality of life for all of Austin and Central Texas by growing bicycling as a form of transportation, exercise, and recreation.

Guiding Principles

Bike Austin believes that…

  • Bicycling should be safe and accessible.
  • Bicycling positively transforms our community.
  • Bicycling benefits all people, whether they bicycle or not.
  • Bicycling is an integral part of a multi-modal transportation system.

Through our work, they pledge to…

  • Respect each other and enjoy the activities we do together.
  • Partner and collaborate with public servants, government agencies, and members to accomplish our shared goals.
  • Strive to engage diverse populations, particularly across lines of gender, age, income, race, ethnicity, and capability.
  • Be conscious of social equity issues in transportation
  • Support all people who bicycle, whether new to bicycling or experienced.
  • Ensure tangible and measurable progress.
  • Be strategic with our political capital and challenge the status quo.

Learn what Bike Austin is doing to speak for us, and the great achievements in just this past year. Most important, though, become a member. We owe that to the organization, and to the cycling community. Join now.